Hanson Faces $2.6 Million Budget Shortfall for FY26
Fire Department Seeks Override for Additional Staffing
HANSON - January 28 - The Town of Hanson is projecting a $2.6 million budget deficit for fiscal year 2026 if one-time revenue sources are not used, according to a presentation by Town Accountant Eric Kinsherf at the Jan. 28 Select Board meeting.
Kinsherf explained that while tax revenue is expected to increase by $1 million and state aid by $86,000, the town will have about $62,000 less to spend compared to last year if free cash and other one-time sources are not tapped.
"If we don't use those sources this year that's like a million dollar swing going the other way," Kinsherf said.
The budget forecast includes a 7% increase in the school assessment and funds set aside for contract negotiations and new positions like an IT Director and Facilities Manager.
To address the shortfall, officials are considering budget cuts and a potential override. Department heads have been asked to outline how they would cut 10% from their budgets if needed.
Fire Chief Robert O'Brien is requesting an override to fund four new full-time firefighter positions, citing increased call volume and extended hospital wait times.
"Today alone we went full pulse in a 30 minute period of time," O’Brien said. "That is roughly now 48% of the time it's multiple calls going on."
O’Brien explained the department is applying for a federal SAFER grant that would fund the positions for three years. The override would provide funding if the grant is not received.
"If we do not get the federal grant that's why I'm asking for the override in May," he said.
Select Board Chair Laura FitzGerald-Kemmett expressed support for having O’Brien present more details at the Feb. 11 meeting.
In other business, the board:
- Appointed Michael Christofulli as the new building commissioner with a salary range of $90,000 to $100,000.
- Approved submitting an action plan by Feb. 13 to comply with MBTA Communities Act requirements, though some members expressed reluctance.
- Reappointed members to the High Street Park Committee through June 30, 2025.
- Approved one-day liquor licenses for events on Jan. 25 and April 13.
- Discussed the need to reconstitute the Capital Improvement Committee, which is critical for budget planning.
- Heard concerns from Town Administrator Lisa Green about unsustainable workloads in the Select Board and Town Administrator offices.
The board also received an update on state legislation filed by Rep. Ken Sweezey related to the MBTA Communities Act. Sweezey outlined bills that would extend compliance deadlines to 2028 and limit which grants could be withheld from non-compliant towns.
"There's a big appetite. There was 23 total bills filed in relation to MBTA zoning by 11 different reps of both parties," Sweezey said.
The next Select Board meeting is scheduled for Feb. 11, where members expect to hear a more detailed presentation on the Fire Department's staffing needs and override request.
Hanson needs to contract with a private EMS company for EMS calls. Work with Whitman and other surrounding towns rather than hiring career firefighters for ambulance services.